Louisiana Hurricane Isaac Flood Project

The map represents the scale of the Isaac hurricane aftermath in Louisiana, USA, in August 2012.

CMF2, 8.0 mb {{txt.update}} April 18, 2018
{{txt.topic}} Thematic maps {{txt.publisher}} Scott J. Owens

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The map is a result of the need for more accurate storm surge/flood inundation predictions as well as collaborative disaster management needs in the wake of an approaching hurricane and/or during and after the storm has passed. The map is based on the raster data and contains hyperlinks both to local and internet files in the Identify dialogs.

Provided by Scott J. Owens, Geospatial Analyst for the Stephenson Disaster Management Institute.

Administrative boundaries on maps published in our Gallery are displayed for reference and informational purposes only and so can not be used for precise definition of administrative identity of any territory displayed on the maps.