Physical map of the world

Do you know that physical map of the world is one of the most frequently used thematic maps?
Along with the political map of the world, the physical map of the world is one of the most frequently used thematic maps. Physical map of the world contains information about the natural objects of the world. This type of map is the overview map, that’s why it has a small scale. The physical map of the world displays all the continents and various nature and geographical objects around the globe. It shows water bodies such as oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and river basins, and landscape features such as plateaus, mountains, and deserts. On the map you can see the information about the topographical relief and the location of continents and oceans. The natural objects are displayed with characteristic color shades. For example, the Sahara Desert is dusty brown, northern Russia is boreal forest green, the Mekong delta is jungle green, and Antarctica is icy blue-grey. As in nature, the coloring of objects on the map changes from lowlands to highlands. The physical map of the world also contains the capitals of the countries.
All world maps have distortions that occur when real objects of spherical Earth are transferred to a flat map surface. Because of this, for example, looking at a physical map of the world, it seems that Greenland is larger than Africa, although in reality the area of Greenland is 14 times smaller than Africa! To minimize such distortions possibility, the modern cartographers are increasingly using various projections that make maps more accurate.
Physical map of the world is used for educational purposes because it gives an idea of the features of the territory of our planet. We bet everyone remembers the good old paper map of the world that we studied at school! Unlike the static paper map, the mobile world map allows you to get information about geographical features and earth surface interactively. Download the map to your smartphone or tablet using the free CarryMap app and work with it offline.
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