Meet the new version of CarryMap for Android, iOS and Windows

Learn what’s new in the most recent version.
New CarryMap for for Android, iOS and Windows
Meet the new CarryMap for Android, iOS update available for download at Google Play, App Store and on the product’s website.
What’s new in CarryMap
Exchanging set of maps and data layers that are combined in a Project
A Project is a set of maps and data layers with specified parameters. The Project is created automatically if data in GeoPackage, KML/KMZ, GPX or SHP format is added to the CMF2 map opened in the application, or if the new point, polyline or polygon features are created on the map. The Project can contain unlimited number of maps and data layers.
Take advantage of the new ability of exchanging Projects between the mobile and the desktop app versions. The new format of the Project’s archive, CMPRJ, is common for all app platforms (Android, iOS, Windows).
Exchanging Projects in mobile version
In the mobile version of the app you can share a Project both from the list of Maps and Projects at the “My maps” tab of the application start window and from the map window.
Upon receipt of the Project archive file, the maps and data are automatically unpacked to the selected folder of the Project in the app storage.
Exchanging Projects in desktop version
In the desktop version of the app you can share a Project at the “Projects” tab in the main app window.
Upon receipt of the Project archive file, the maps and data are automatically unpacked to the selected folder of the Project.
Creating graphic marks for each Project separately
The new option provided for creation of a separate set of layers of graphic marks as a text, a free shape and an arrow for each Project. Now it is easier to manage sets of graphic marks and create original marks in each Project.
Identifying features on map
The logic of the features identification in the map has been updated and the interface of the identification card has been improved. The block with coordinates is moved to the top of the card, which makes it easier to obtain information about the geographic location of the selected feature or place on the map.
Added localization to Kazakh.
Minor fixes related to overall stability and performance improvements.
Download the CarryMap app for iOS devices
Download the CarryMap app for Android devices
Download the CarryMap app for Windows
CarryMap Team